원서 읽기의 첫번째 주네요! 이번 주 우리 목표는 part one - caged 의 ‘directions’까지 읽는 것을 목표로 합니다. 첫 날은 두 쪽씩 시작해서 점차 양을 늘려나갈 수 있도록 스케줄 표를 만들었어요.
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Day 4 |
Day 5 |
pp.3-4 |
pp.5-6 |
pp.7-9 |
pp.9-11 |
pp.11-17 |
sparks |
sparks |
apples |
blow jobs |
directions |
*쪽수는 종이책 기준으로 합니다. ebook이나 오디오북으로 함께하시는 분들은 챕터명으로 확인해주세요!
제목들이 심상치가 않죠? 작가는 각 섹션에서 본인이 새장(cage)안에 있었다고 느끼게 한 순간들을 묘사하고 있어요. 읽기 전 조금씩의 힌트를 드리자면 ‘sparks: 나는 언제부터 생기를 잃었을까?’ ‘apples: 선악과를 먹은 이브’ ‘blow jobs: 나의 섹스 라이프’ ‘directions: 나의 딸과 아들’.
혹시 ‘왜 소제목 단어들이 대문자로 시작안하지?’라고 생각하신 분 계신가요? 앞 부분을 읽고, 작가의 가치관을 들여다보면 그 이유를 추측할 수 있을 것 같은데요. 이유가 무엇인지 한 번 생각해보세요.
아래는 매일의 분량을 읽은 다음에 확인해보세요!
Day 1 (pp.3-4)
- Much else was said that morning, but that first response from my mother jumped out at me like a sentence in a novel begging to be underlined: I have not seen my daughter this alive since she was ten years old. (p.4 line 8)
Day 2 (pp.5-6)
- Make yourself fit. You’ll be uncomfortable at first, but don’t worry-eventually you’ll forget you’re caged. Soon this will just feel like: life. (p.5 line 1)
- When I became a good girl, I also became a bulimic. None of us can hold our breath all the time. Bulimia was where I exhaled. It was where I refused to comply, indulged my hunger, and expressed my fury. I became animalistic during my daily binges. Then I’d drape myself over the toilet and purge because a good girl must stay very small to fit inside her cages. (p.5 line 8)
Day 3 (pp.7-9)
- From inside Adam’s body, a woman was born. That is why she is called woman. Because women came from the womb of man. Womb-man. (p.8 line 5)
- I raise my hand. She motions for me to put it back down. The boy sitting to my left rolls his eyes at me. (p.8 line 13)
Day 4 (pp.9-11)